Current Obsessions II

19 Dec

Vietnamese Food:

This obsession has hung around for quite some time. S and I were out for dinner last Monday night at a local restaurant in West End, Quan Thahn which we love and decided we could happily eat Vietnamese every single day for the rest of our lives. And under the banner of Vietnamese food the favourite off the menu at the moment is the Crispy Skin Chicken Noodle Soup with extra wontons. I can never finish it, but its so tasty plus healthy! Coupled with a young coconut juice its a perfect Sunday afternoon meal.

Rowan Atkinson:

S has been rediscovering the comedy of this great man in the form of Mr Bean and the ever fantastical Blackadder.

It’s impossible to see his face and not smile isn’t it?

The Finkler Question:

I picked up this book by Howard Jacobson which received the Man Booker prize this week and even though I have only read a few chapters so far I am loving it. The language and the way it is written is just brilliant.

Did you know its virtually impossible to skip and not smile at the same time?

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